March 28, 2025 5:47:10 AM

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Public domain

America has poured almost unfathomable blood and gold into free Iraq and protecting it from Iran. There's an honor debt that now needs to be repaid.

It’s time for President Trump to stop playing nice. Iraq, a country we’ve invested trillions in over the past two decades, owes us. The reconstruction, the security operations, and the countless lives lost—all funded by American taxpayers. Yet, while we’ve spent this immense sum on their recovery, Iraq continues to sit on one of the world’s largest oil reserves. It’s time to call in the debt.

This is not about charity. This is about fairness. The American people have sacrificed enough for Iraq’s supposed “freedom.” We removed Saddam Hussein and opened the door for Iraq to govern itself. But in doing so, we allowed Iranian-backed militias to seize control. These same militias now pose an existential threat to American lives and interests in the region. Iraq’s oil wealth should be used, at the very least, to start paying back the debts incurred by our intervention.

Iraq owes America, and it’s time to make them pay.

<img alt captext="Public domain” src=””>

Image: Marines at the Second Battle of Fallujah. Public Domain. (And the story behind the photo.)

The American people have bled for Iraq, but now the bill is due. No more handouts, no more one-sided sacrifices. The U.S. must leverage its power to extract payment from Iraq—payment for the lives lost, the treasure spent, and the future security we’ve provided. President Trump must make it clear: Pay up or be left to deal with the consequences alone.

The Cost of Freedom and Stability

Over 4,500 American soldiers died in Iraq. Tens of thousands more were injured, both physically and mentally. The U.S. taxpayers have shelled out over a trillion dollars to stabilize Iraq, rebuild its infrastructure, and remove the threat of terrorism. But despite all that sacrifice, Iraq remains a battleground for Iranian influence, a country where militias funded by Tehran still operate with impunity, attacking American interests and destabilizing the entire region.

Iraq has shown time and again that it cannot stand on its own. We removed Saddam Hussein. We defeated ISIS. We gave them the chance at a new future. And what do we get in return? The same enemy we fought against—militias backed by the Iranian regime—continuing to harm American interests as we stand by, once again playing the role of rescuers.

It’s time to recognize the brutal truth: Iraq will cease to exist as a stable state without U.S. support. They need us more than we need them. The only question is whether we continue to pay for their failures, or if we finally demand what we are owed.

The Power of Leverage: Iraq Has No Other Choice

This isn’t about charity; this is about leverage. The U.S. controls Iraq’s future, whether they want to admit it or not. The billions of dollars in Iraqi oil revenues are stored in New York accounts, under U.S. jurisdiction. We control the flow of money. We can force them to pay. If they refuse, we cut off their access to their own resources. It’s that simple.

President Trump needs to issue a clear ultimatum to Iraq: Pay your debt, or face the consequences. No more excuses, no more free rides. They’ve drained our resources, but now it’s time to collect. Whether through direct payments or a structured repayment plan, the message must be clear—they have to pay.

The Iraq-Iran Connection

This isn’t just about Iraq, it’s about a bigger game. Iranian-backed militias in Iraq continue to target American personnel, using U.S. weapons provided by the Iraqi government—money that the U.S. is inadvertently funding through aid. By allowing Iran’s proxies to operate freely, Iraq is not just endangering its own future; it’s putting American interests at risk, and that’s unacceptable.

If Iraq continues to tolerate these militias, it risks losing our support altogether. It must understand that we are no longer in the business of sacrificing American blood and treasure to protect them from the consequences of their own decisions. They must pay, and if they refuse, they’ll have to face the consequences alone.

Pressure on Ukraine and Iraq: The Parallel

The situation in Iraq mirrors what has been happening in Ukraine. Just as the U.S. has pushed Ukraine to meet certain demands before receiving additional aid and support, we should apply the same level of pressure on Iraq. Ukraine was forced to sign critical agreements on rare mineral resources, a deal that should have benefited the U.S. as much as it benefited Ukraine. The pressure the U.S. placed on Ukraine to adhere to these terms should be a model for how we hold Iraq accountable for its role in destabilizing the region and threatening U.S. interests.

If we can apply such pressure on Ukraine—despite its dire situation—then why should we not use the same leverage to hold Iraq accountable? Iraq depends on the U.S. more than Ukraine does. Iraq, with all its fragile stability, certainly has even more to lose.

Just like we pressured Ukraine into action through aid restrictions and other tools, we can apply the same tactics to Iraq. Whether it’s freezing their assets, halting military cooperation, or cutting off access to international funds, we have the power to make Iraq comply. The U.S. holds the cards and now is the time to play them.

The Time is Now

Iraq has no other choice but to pay. With American leverage, we can force them to settle their debt to the U.S. and its people. No more free rides. No more endless sacrifices. President Trump has the opportunity to deliver a final blow to Iran’s influence in Iraq and end the cycle of U.S. intervention without repayment. We’ve already paid the price in blood and treasure. Now it’s time for Iraq to settle the bill or face the consequences.

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