

October 9, 2022

One of the most troubling questions in all of human history is, “Where were the ‘good Germans’ while Hitler and the Nazis were taking over their country?”

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In 1933 there were only about 2 million Nazis in Germany; by 1939 that number had increased to 5.3 million…out of a population of over 80 million people.  That’s only six-and-a-half per cent of the total German population.  How could such a relatively small number of zealots overwhelm the will of a great nation?

“We didn’t know what the Nazis were doing” is the most-heard answer by Germans.  But by 1939, Hitler and his Brownshirts had shown their true colors in their attacks on any opposition (but especially Jews).  But perhaps this was a gigantic Asch Experiment, wherein people simply go along with the perceived majority, even if they personally feel the actions are wrong?

It’s not the first time such a small but fanatical group co-opted an entire nation, of course.  In 1917 the total population of Russia was 200 million people; of these, about 800,000 were members of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, another 200,000 were Menshiviks and only 350,000 were Bolsheviks.  But by 1919 the Bolsheviks had taken complete control of the nation: that’s only .2% of the population.  What were the “good Russians” doing as their country was being taken over by fanatical communist zealots?

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While today’s Democrat party garners almost half the votes in any given national election, it may be reasonably argued that the radical leftists of that party (the Squad, Bernie Sanders, AOC, et al) altogether make up no more than perhaps 10% of professed Democrats.  Why, then, does that radical leftist element seem to control the narrative on everything from crime to immigration, from American history to education and everything in between?

It’s simple, and the same reason that Russia and Germany were destroyed from within: the “good Americans” who still believe in our founding principles of individual liberty, limited government and the free market capitalism that led to unparalleled prosperity for most Americans are doing the same thing that the “good Russians” and “good Germans” did…which is nothing!!  Like Nero, we’re entertaining ourselves with football, reality TV, computer games, etc., and simply watching while Rome burns.

We can blame feckless career politicians for our plight, but it is we, the people, who repeatedly send back to Congress the Mitch McConnells, Kevin McCarthys, Chuck Schumers and Nancy Pelosis, despite their sordid record of selling their constituents and this nation out for personal gain and re-election campaign donations from lobbyists, including from the Chinese Communists who are nearing global domination. 

While I despise the ignorance of those who support the Democrat party’s Neo-socialism, it is the Republicans I hold the most guilty of allowing this nation to be destroyed, because they repeatedly scare people into voting Republican by promising to stop the leftists’ onslaught, then when they win play “bi-partisanship” and actually go along with massive spending that enriches the wealthy and helps destroy the middle class.  No wonder so many Americans have thrown up their hands and said, “Well, it’s politics as usual, so why even bother to vote?”

But it’s not “politics as usual” this time around.  The election of Donald Trump in 2016 shocked the globalist billionaires and wannabe tyrants (I’m looking at you, Klaus Schwab); that wasn’t supposed to happen.  Their latest hand-chosen puppet Hillary Clinton was supposed to usher in the Great Reset of globalist domination by self-important autocrats… how dare those ignorant rubes in flyover country elect Trump!  Thus, the off-come-the-gloves spectacle of the past several years where radical leftists no longer even bother to disguise their intent, but now use every tool in their arsenal to make sure the sheeple simply shut up and go along with their globalist, anti-freedom, anti-capitalist agenda.

In case it needs to be said: I’m not a Republican!  At least the Democrats actually fight for their wrong-headed beliefs, but the Republicans in power only seem to care about staying there.  Mitch McConnell, the GOP Senate Minority Leader, would clearly rather maintain that position, where he can blame everything on the majority Democrats, rather than win GOP control of the Senate and actually have to legislate.