

October 19, 2022

Cast your mind back to 2020.  Before the November presidential elections, the nation’s cities were convulsed by riots — riots spread by leftist provocateurs, facilitated by Democrat mayors, and condoned by congressional Democrats.  George Floyd’s death was an excuse.  Mayhem was a regular feature for months in the news. 

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Some Democrats expressed guarded sympathy for rioters.  Most others stayed silent.  Silence lends consent, and Antifa and BLM got plenty of it.  Regardless, the argument went that in the name of racial justice it was virtuous to loot Target, ransack and burn small businesses, and kill.  Among the murdered was retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn.  Dorn, a black man, was murdered by a BLM thug while guarding a friend’s business.    

Only halfwit Kamala Harris spilled the beans: the riots would continue until the goal was achieved.  Defeating Donald Trump and installing dementia sufferer Joe Biden in the White House were requisite.  Scared voters, went the reasoning, were Democrat voters.

When Biden won the election (number of fraudulent votes undetermined), the rioting ceased as if by magic — or was that by prearrangement?         

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Now, midterm election voting is underway and less than three weeks remain until the marathon ends — though, in blue jurisdictions, counting will continue until Democrats “find” enough votes to eke out wins. 

This election season, city streets are quiet — except for the routine sound of gunfire and the shouts and screams of victims.  Compliments of compassionate Democrats, Philly, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, D.C. — you name ‘em — are crime war zones.  Enter at your own risk.   

After the midterm elections, when Democrats, their moneybags backers, and corporate media lackeys are stunned that they’ve lost Congress by margins larger than now anticipated — and heaps of state and local offices are lost — the quiet may end abruptly.  Don’t bet against it. 

City streets free-from mobs and leftist agitators doesn’t mean that Marxists and their Democrat enablers (prodded by the witchy Hillary Clinton) aren’t preparing to act.  Poolside at scammer Patrisse Cullors’ multimillion-dollar Topanga Canyon digs, they’re watching, waiting, and planning.   

Violence is intrinsic to the Marxist playbook, but literal acts of violence aren’t the left’s sole means.  The law has been twisted like taffy and thoroughly weaponized, used recently to arrest peaceful abortion protesters.    

Until called out, Merrick Garland entertained siccing Chris Wray’s body-armored, AR-15-toting jackboots on parents intrepid enough to stand against debauched school boards.  Garland did sic FBI robocops on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in order to invent a crime to destroy a man, to paraphrase Lavrentiy Beria.