

October 19, 2022

Nobody knows what the economy is going to do over the next couple years, but all signs point to a struggle. Whether that means a recession, depression, or total collapse is anyone’s guess. But you should be prepared for any outcome.

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What’s Coming Down the Line?

It’s unclear what will happen in the economy moving forward. However, one thing is for certain: It’s not going to be good. All of the financial indicators suggest we’re entering into risky territory.

At no point in the last 65-plus years has there been inflation above 4 percent and unemployment below 5 percent and the economy failed to enter into a recession within 24 months. It just doesn’t happen. Throw a severe debt crisis and supply shocks into the mix and we have a real problem on our hands.

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Economists and market experts foresee more inflation, higher interest rates, increased debt, and additional supply chain issues coming in the next six to 12 months. In other words, things are going to get worse before we can even think about things getting better.

A recession would be the best-case scenario — a temporary blip on the way to an eventual recovery. But you shouldn’t rule out the possibility of a depression or, while less likely, a total collapse.

Smart Ways You Can Prepare Your Family

As an individual, there’s nothing you can do to stop a recession, depression, or collapse. (In fact, there’s not a person in the world who has that much power.) At this point, we’re all at the mercy of whatever happens. The only thing you can do is to prepare your family proactively. Here are some ways to financially prepare your family for whatever is to come:

  1. Stockpile Staples

This first suggestion might not seem like a piece of financial advice, but it is. In an inflationary marketplace where prices are rising and you suspect supply chain issues are coming down the line, stockpiling staple foods and goods is a wise decision that will provide you with financial relief in the coming months.

When you don’t have to worry about overpaying for things like rice, pasta, sugar, flour, soap, toothpaste, and other necessities, you can reallocate that money to other areas. It creates margin in your budget to be successful. It allows you to focus on other things and conserve your financial resources.

  1. Diversify Your Assets