

January 2, 2023

It never ceases to amaze me when I hear media talking heads plaintively ask, “Why won’t Biden or Harris visit the border?”  They ask the question genuinely believing that if either the President or the Vice President saw the looming existential disaster, it would change their minds. 

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Such naiveté confirms Dr. King’s idea that “nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

Daily, we see the dictatorial moves by Biden and his administration.  We view the tears of those at the southern border who fear for their lives and property.  As the illegals surge into the country, sexual exploitation, human trafficking, crime, rampant drug use, violence, disease, death, and soul-searing fear continue to suffocate Americans.

Why, the reporters ask would be the reason for this?  There is a simple answer, but it is constantly skirted.  The Left lives to see absolute destruction of freedom.  Communists exult when liberty is tattered.  Progressives rejoice in limiting freedom.  It is the epitome of dictatorship whether it is a jab for a poison or a useless mask or the destruction of the sanctity of one’s property. This is the picture of tyranny. 

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The media who have sold their souls to Satan neither care nor want to learn the truth of the dire situations that beset the United States.  The fact-checkers are usually the handmaidens of the very sources of evil.

Many scoff at Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s assertion that “history” proves that Democratic President Joe Biden is leading a “communist takeover” of the United States. 

It’s a communist regime. It’s been a communist takeover of our country, and it happened on January 21. And that is who Joe Biden is.

The administration counts on people who admire communist ideas.  

The new comptroller of the currency selected by President Joe Biden is fresh off the Marxist bus, having graduated from Moscow State University in 1989 and since, spoken in glowing terms about communism

Biden—dementia and all, is the master stroke of the leftist ideology that Barack Obama ushered in when he promised to transform this country.