

January 15, 2023

Are you a Scapegoat Mama, Papa, Sister, or Brother?  Canceled, backstabbed, vilified, manipulated, extorted, boycotted (or if you have money, alternately pursued), deprived of grandchildren, and generally punished by a family member pushing a fictional narrative of victimhood?  If so, you are a scapegoat stuck with an instrumental victimist.

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Let’s get you unstuck. Join the Scapegoat Mamas Fun Club!  Membership includes recognizing instrumental victimism; understanding this epoch, rife with victimism and victimhood appropriation resulting from receding loyalty, honor, and gratitude in post-scarcity societies; and understanding the principal purposes of instrumental victimism: 1) the expiation of healthy guilt, 2) malevolent control over others, and 3) revenge.

Instrumental victimism is not a family problem.  It is spiritual and moral failing of the victimist, not the family.  Freedom for the scapegoat lies in radical acceptance, compassionate detachment, and redrawing family boundaries in a more safe and happy way.  Your Fun Club will poke fun at victimists and their machinations and take the bold step of joy and happiness without deferring to or bargaining with the irritant again.

Globalists have finally found the way to unify humanity!  Replay the hideous interviews of Prince Harry and Duchess Chicken-Legs.  (NASA has actually decoded signals from outer space that appear to say, “Shut up, Harry!”)  The planet’s premier victimism shills, Harry and Meghan, shall be our teaching examples.  They actualize the psychospiritual maladies of disloyalty, dishonor, and ingratitude, which are the bases of victimism adaptation.

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Instrumental victimism arises when someone who has never known material deprivation or suffered personal or political persecution, has never worked to survive or sacrificed his own comfort, concocts a narrative of victimhood and propagates self-serving complaints and allegations.  Victimists take no responsibility for their own errors while blame-throwing fireballs on scapegoats.

Victimism is an artifact of affluent modernity.  Poor societies and families rely on loyalty, honor, and gratitude to survive.  They cannot afford the narcissistic entitlements of spurious victimhood.  The shift from conditions of survival to mass affluence means that sustenance and honor no longer have to be earned, but are claimed as a priori entitlements.  Identities, not achievements, are to be honored and protected.  The decline of achievement-based loyalty, honor, and gratitude vanquishes character and has caused the Great American Sadness.  Its apex is guilt-free, infantile adults who feel justified treating other people miserably while demanding sympathy based on delusions of victimhood.

Adroit victimists distribute personal and impersonal lamentations.  Personal involve complaints against family and friends.  Impersonal victimism involves trendy sociopolitical grievances: racio-sexio-homeo-transeo micro-woundings ad nauseam.

Scapegoats have diversity. The heartbroken father who didn’t pivot fast enough when his daughter became his imaginary son.  The grandmother barred from her grandchildren because she stopped supporting baby daddy’s drug addiction.  Victimism has left millions of parents and grandparents in affluent societies the whipping boys of grown children, including the British royal family.

1. Victimists enjoy guilt-free living despite selfish behavior.  Most theories about this civilizational shift don’t recognize that the greatest advantage of instrumental victimism is to pre-empt guilt for bad behavior.  It enables the pseudo-victim to take everything he can get, while sinking teeth into hands that feed him, absolved of responsibility, gratitude, or reciprocation.  Such people are innocents, wrapped in a cocoon of hypocritical virtue and ersatz suffering.

Harry and Meghan swilled millions of pounds in lavish self-aggrandizement, über-luxurious wardrobe, travels, and trappings and repaid the grieving, dying queen, the British people, and now the new king with attacks, demands, and disloyalty.  All they have left to sell to maintain their billionaire lifestyle is filthy laundry, to the highest bidder, without a trace of guilt.