

March 23, 2023

Our scientific industry is cannibalizing pre-born children by stealing body parts while still alive, transplanting these parts onto mice and thus creating Humanized Mice” for drug development.  Typically, liver, thymus, lung, kidney, and bone marrow are extracted and transplanted to develop various therapeutic drugs.

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This horrific practice of harvesting organs from the live pre-born is no secret.  Several articles, podcasts, and interviews have brought this practice to light in the past couple of years.

Today, hundreds of drugs are developed, sold, and consumed at the expense of pre-born innocents who are being cruelly dissected.  Many popular “monoclonal antibodies” (MABs) are created using humanized mice.  Biolabs are churning out these hybrid mice by the hundreds each week and shipping them all over the world.

Creating humanized mice is a growing and profitable industry that demands a constant flow of live organs.  Could it be that the recent sanctioning in law of late-term abortion up to birth is fueled and funded by this demand?  Could it be that later-gestation fetal organs are better suited for transplantation?

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Scientific literature obscures the truth regarding how humanized mice are created because it has always been universally understood as evil to sell human body parts for research and profit.

Early in the COVID lockdown, a new vaccine was touted as the only solution to end the pandemic.  Researcher Pamela Acker, M.S.’s book, published in December 2020 (Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective), details the history and the procedures of vaccine development.  It was Ackers book that first drew my attention to the fact that the babies are still alive when the researchers start extracting the tissue being used.

Because of Acker’s assertion of babies being dissected alive, in May 2021, Monica Seeley authored a two-part investigation for the website Catholic World Report.  Seeley exposes the dark history of how research has exploited live babies to develop vaccines, including our most recent COVID-19 vaccine.  Seeley was able to affirm Pamela Ackers shocking claim.

Julie Collorafi, in November 2021, then published a five-part series online at The Stream.  Collorafi’s series details the use of fetal cells and how live organs, such as liver, thymus, lung, and bone marrow, are stolen from still alive aborted babies.  These babies are taken by C-section and their organs removed prior to death, or dissected in the womb alive, without anesthesia to ensure no contamination.  Just as organ transplants for adults require live organs, so, too, do transplants for humanized mice.  Body parts extracted, even minutes after death, degrade so quickly that they cannot be used for transplantation.

The morality of taking vaccines developed or tested on human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) cells was debated in 2020, when the COVID-19 vaccine was in production. The ethicists and clergy at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and at the Vatican determined that vaccines derived or tested from HEK-293 cells were morally licit because the aborted babys fetal kidney cells were taken, post–abortion death, more than 40 years ago.  Thus, the Church reasoned, thecommon good” of protecting the public by vaccines outweighed the remote evil” of using an aborted baby’s fetal cells from the 1970s.

As an aside, the basis for this approval was erroneous.  It has become public knowledge that the scientist who produced the HEK-293 cell line has admitted that the baby girl was extracted via C-section and then dissected, causing her death.