

April 22, 2023

The book China After Mao: The Rise of a Superpower is a chronicle of China’s rise to world power. Award-winning Dutch author Frank Dikötter is a China expert who bases his research on access to government documents and what he witnessed. His story is compelling because he has no agenda beyond trying to explain what he observed.

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Four decades after Mao Zedong’s death, the communist nation went from the 126th largest economy to the second. Western optimists credit a growing market economy and free trade for this transformation. However, the author challenges the “economic miracle” narrative of China after Mao.

Beyond the glitter of the nation’s shining metropolises and industrial base lies an immense system of contradictions, illusions, corruption, shadow banking, and political intrigue. Extreme wealth exists beside abject poverty. The plight of the poor Chinese people remains dire in the face of a political program that only serves the Communist Party and its leaders. If there is any miracle, it is that China still survives.

Dikötter traces this darker and more chaotic narrative. While the players, facts and policies constantly change, one thing stands out. The Chinese Communist Party is amazingly consistent in its four-decade march to ever more socialism — not a market economy.

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The book details, almost to excess, the power struggles and brutality of this march to keep China communist. However, one of the work’s great merits is to point out at least four CCP consistencies among many.   

What We Consistently Don’t Know

The first consistency is the lack of data about what is happening in China.

China is a mystery where the only rule is that nobody knows anything about China… including the Chinese government. Given the proliferation of false statistics, there is no way to calculate how big anything is in the country. Dikötter notes how in most things, “I know what I don’t know. But where China is concerned, we don’t even know what we don’t know.”

The central government insists that each sector reaches its goals. Junior communist officials must present the best possible picture to remain in power and favor. Thus, China consistently suffers from inflated figures that no one can rely on. On the contrary, debts and shortcomings are underestimated so that failure will not be perceived and punished.

Data is dangerous in China and is best left unknown and unknowable.