

July 6, 2022

With the inexorable march of time, Hillary Clinton’s cheekiness has been matched by a set of sagging jowls that seem to vibrate with anticipation at being back in the political fold.  While some might say she turns up like the proverbial bad penny, Ms. Clinton clearly sees herself as coin of the realm. 

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Hillary requires no lectures from the likes of former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on how never to let a crisis go to waste. As a perennial Queen of Crises, she understands that the deeper a country is plunged into chaos and the wider the ideological rift between its people, the more malleable it becomes to the strongarm tactics of political will. 

Nor does it matter to Hillary that she may not clearly see her way forward at this point in the political process.  There are constitutional hurdles, surely. As deserving and qualified as she regards herself, other women – Harris and possibly Pelosi – could legitimately lay claim to the first female presidency should something “happen” to Joe Biden before the next general election. And while these women politicians may not be universally popular, neither is Hillary.

Yet for fifteen or so long years, Ms. Clinton has waged a personal campaign to occupy the Oval Office, and she isn’t willing to call it quits.  Though she may not see the light at the end of her personal tunnel, she myopically manages to see light in places where others in her party see darkness.  Could this, in fact, be her saving grace?

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Rather than being flummoxed, for example, by Joe’s plunging poll numbers, Inflation, a stock market in free fall, supply chain snafus, the Ukraine war of attrition, and other setbacks that some Democrat leaders fear might lead to a red wave in November, Hillary prefers to focus on those volatile issues that bring out the beast in Democrat voters and might even snatch political victory from the jaws of defeat. 

Thus Hillary Clinton has placed her bets — and pinned her political hopes — on concerns that most potently feed the liberal ego.  And just as Jane Fonda pronounced COVID to be “God’s gift to the Democrats”

Hillary understands how much the crucial ideological issues of abortion rights and the January 6 “uprising” matter to the liberal base in terms of turnout and possible election turnabout.

To that end, Hillary is bringing to these concerns her old familiar denigrating brand of diatribe.  First came her comments on the whack-a-Trump public “hearing” of what Democrats call the Jan. 6th “insurrection,” though it is hard to imagine the overthrow of our government by a small army of the unarmed.

Hillary’s outrage at this incident may seem a stretch, considering all the bombast she delivered about how Trump had stolen the election from her four years earlier.  But she has learned that Democrats are slow to recognize the sins of their own and quick to believe any slur on their political opponents.  Besides, there has always been a part of Hillary Clinton that is impure, adulterated chutzpah.

As a result, she was quick to tweet, “We cannot let those who attacked our Capitol on Jan. 6 and those who urged them on — to get away with impunity.  That’s what happens in dictatorships and authoritarian regimes.”