The upcoming midterm election is a chance for Americans to humiliate President Joe Biden (D), former President Donald Trump told a huge crowd in Minden, Nevada, on Saturday.
“This election is your chance to send a strong message to all of the arrogant… leftwing radicals who want to dictate what you can say, what you can think, and how you should live your life. I don’t think so,” he said during the Save America rally:
With your vote, you can humiliate Joe Biden. Although, he’s pretty much been humiliated already. And the corrupt Democrat machine and you can declare that America will always remain a free, and maybe we can say free and fair, country. You can take the five worst presidents in American history put them together and they would not have done the damage Joe Biden has done to our nation in less than two short years. Look at what is happening to our country.
A Civiqs poll released in September found only 39 percent of registered voters approve of Biden as the midterm elections approach, according to Breitbart News.
“Joe Biden’s approval rating has remained below 40 percent since last September after the deadly Afghan withdrawal,” the outlet said, adding it slowly climbed after dropping to 29 percent in July.
On Friday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said during an interview on Fox Business Network’s Kudlow everything Biden touches “has gone to garbage.”
He stated, “If you look at the last two years. I cannot think of a period in American history where one administration has done more damage to the United States than Joe Biden in the last two years. Everything they have touched has gone to garbage.”