Republican officials slammed the Biden administration following Thursday’s quiet revelation of its intention to expand the border wall with Mexico — continuing the construction of the barrier that was a hallmark policy of former President Donald Trump and was subject to relentless criticism from President Biden and the Democrats.
According to GOP members, the announcement is regarded as a “politically convenient” and unreasonably late one, which serves to highlight the “hypocrisy” of the current administration and its policies.
“I don’t believe that President Biden cares about the border,” wrote Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). “But as blue state Democrats see the consequences of his policies, Biden must now act like he cares.”
“This is all window-dressing,” he added.
I don’t believe that President Biden cares about the border.
But as blue state Democrats see the consequences of his policies, Biden must now act like he cares.
This is all window-dressing.#BidenBorderCrisis pic.twitter.com/Fwbetgsus2
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) October 5, 2023
Cruz also claimed he did not “believe for a minute that Joe Biden cares about border security.”
“He wants our country to be overrun by illegal aliens because he believes they are potential Democrat voters,” he wrote. “All his talk of border security is just window dressing for his radical open borders agenda.”
“WHAT? This from Mr. ‘The Border is Secure’ — just proving once again he’s lied to Congress & the public all along,” wrote Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO).
WHAT? This from Mr. “The Border is Secure” – just proving once again he’s lied to Congress & the public all along https://t.co/c0pZV1KQp1
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) October 5, 2023
“Where was the ‘immediate’ need these last few years as the border remained wide open?” asked Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO). “This administration let the materials for the wall sit around for years, and even started selling those materials off.”
“Ridiculous posturing,” he added.
Where was the ‘immediate’ need these last few years as the border remained wide open?
This administration let the materials for the wall sit around for years, and even started selling those materials off.
Ridiculous posturing.https://t.co/jooD2dxbru
— Senator Eric Schmitt (@SenEricSchmitt) October 5, 2023
“I’m glad to see that after nearly 3 years of chaos and over 6 million illegal immigrants entering the country, the Biden Administration has suddenly discovered a need to finish building the border wall,” wrote Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
I’m glad to see that after nearly 3 years of chaos and over 6 million illegal immigrants entering the country, the Biden Administration has suddenly discovered a need to finish building the border wall. https://t.co/hPANttsDRt
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) October 5, 2023
“Sec. Mayorkas, who has looked Congress in the eye & promised he has operational control of the border, suddenly has an ‘immediate need’ for a border wall,” wrote Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ).
“The damage is already done & his incompetence will take a generation to fix,” he added. “He must be impeached.”
Sec. Mayorkas, who has looked Congress in the eye & promised he has operational control of the border, suddenly has an “immediate need” for a border wall.
The damage is already done & his incompetence will take a generation to fix. He must be impeached.https://t.co/vRHHIj8rx1
— Congressman Jeff Van Drew (@Congressman_JVD) October 5, 2023
“After ignoring the historic crisis at our southern border for years, the Biden Administration has finally decided that walls work,” wrote Rep. David Kustoff (R-TN).
After ignoring the historic crisis at our southern border for years, the Biden Administration has finally decided that walls work. #BidenBorderCrisishttps://t.co/N3lTF16Ahs
— Rep. David Kustoff (@RepDavidKustoff) October 5, 2023
“The Biden administration finally wakes up after two years of destroying our country to realize TRUMP WAS RIGHT and WALLS WORK,” wrote Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI).
“Now to end the border invasion, we must also: Reinstate Remain in Mexico, End catch-and-release, [and] Stop parole abuse,” he added.
The Biden administration finally wakes up after two years of destroying our country to realize TRUMP WAS RIGHT and WALLS WORK.
Now to end the border invasion, we must also:
✅Reinstate Remain in Mexico
✅End catch-and-release
✅Stop parole abuse— Rep. Tom Tiffany (@RepTiffany) October 5, 2023
“Too bad they’re two years too late and 6 million illegal immigrants later,” he wrote in another post. “Their open border policies created this crisis.”
“Although President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas still refuse to label the horrific situation at our border as a crisis, Secretary Mayorkas is now admitting to an ‘immediate need’ to build additional border wall in Texas,” wrote Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX).
“Any additional barrier must be followed up by the political will to enforce our immigration laws. 20 miles of border wall will not stop the outright invasion of our country — only consequences will,” he added.
Although President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas still refuse to label the horrific situation at our border as a crisis, Secretary Mayorkas is now admitting to an ‘immediate need’ to build additional border wall in Texas.
Any additional barrier must be followed up by the…
— Rep. August Pfluger (@RepPfluger) October 5, 2023
“President Biden is responsible for the chaos at our southern border and the effects it’s had throughout our nation,” wrote Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).
President Biden is responsible for the chaos at our southern border and the effects it’s had throughout our nation. pic.twitter.com/5oxqaAK6xG
— Senator Marco Rubio (@SenMarcoRubio) October 5, 2023
“Biden dismantled effective Trump-era border policies on day 1, simply because they were implemented by Trump,” wrote Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN). “Now, after creating an absolute catastrophe at our border, @JoeBiden finds it politically convenient to continue building the wall.”
“Unbelievable,” he added.
Biden dismantled effective Trump-era border policies on day 1, simply because they were implemented by Trump. Now, after creating an absolute catastrophe at our border, @JoeBiden finds it politically convenient to continue building the wall. Unbelievable. https://t.co/hWfT5qPoes
— Senator Bill Hagerty (@SenatorHagerty) October 5, 2023
“Huh, so walls do work?” asked Rep. Stephanie Bice (R-OK).
Huh, so walls do work? https://t.co/CFmL4U0qJz
— Rep. Stephanie Bice (@RepBice) October 5, 2023
“The Biden Administration finally admits walls work,” wrote Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ). “We need more wall, not less!”
The Biden Administration finally admits walls work.
We need more wall, not less! https://t.co/qq80ntGfvK
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) October 5, 2023
“After more illegal border crossings than the entire state of Indiana & $300 million wasted on unused building material, Joe Biden is finally resuming construction of Trump’s Border Wall,” wrote Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN).
“Too little, too late,” he added.
After more illegal border crossings than the entire state of Indiana & $300 million wasted on unused building material, Joe Biden is finally resuming construction of Trump’s Border Wall. Too little, too late. https://t.co/clicVEELH2
— Jim Banks (@Jim_Banks) October 5, 2023
“After putting our country through the worst border crisis in history, the Biden administration finally admits that walls work,” wrote Sen. Ted Budd (R-NC).
After putting our country through the worst border crisis in history, the Biden administration finally admits that walls work. #BidenBorderCrisis https://t.co/VeStdIbGNC
— Senator Ted Budd (@SenTedBuddNC) October 5, 2023
“DHS Secretary Mayorkas has *finally* announced the ‘immediate need’ to waive federal laws and build a border wall in Texas as illegal border crossings continue to surge,” wrote Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA).
“Too little, too late to save your job, Mr. Secretary,” he added. “Impeachment is coming.”
DHS Secretary Mayorkas has *finally* announced the “immediate need” to waive federal laws and build a border wall in Texas as illegal border crossings continue to surge.
Too little, too late to save your job, Mr. Secretary. Impeachment is coming.
— Congressman Ben Cline (@RepBenCline) October 5, 2023
“Repeat after me: The BORDER WALL is NOT RACIST as long as Democrats do it,” wrote Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX).
Repeat after me:
The BORDER WALL is NOT RACIST as long as Democrats do it.
— Wesley Hunt (@WesleyHuntTX) October 5, 2023
“After 3 years of policies designed to import millions of illegal aliens into this country, the same President who said he’d never construct another mile of border wall has now been compelled to do it,” he wrote in another post, noting, “What was once considered ‘xenophobic’ is now the policy of the Biden Administration.”
“When your poll numbers are in the 30s, I guess anything is possible,” he added.
“Biden running for president: ‘not another foot of border wall will be built on my watch’ Biden as president: ‘please build another foot,’” mocked Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO).
Biden running for president: “not another foot of border wall will be built on my watch”
Biden as president: “please build another foot” pic.twitter.com/dVtlMjgBmQ
— Rep. Ken Buck (@RepKenBuck) October 5, 2023
“How many illegal migrants crossing the border & how many calls from Republicans did it take for the Biden admin to finally realize border walls work? MILLIONS,” wrote Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID).
“Hopefully they have opened their eyes to reality & border wall construction can finally reconvene,” he added.
How many illegal migrants crossing the border & how many calls from Republicans did it take for the Biden admin to finally realize border walls work? MILLIONS.
Hopefully they have opened their eyes to reality & border wall construction can finally reconvene. https://t.co/1uKAsIjV9x
— Jim Risch (@SenatorRisch) October 5, 2023
“We told them so,” wrote Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN). “They are only acting because Democrat run cities are being overrun and it is hurting the Democrats politically.”
We told them so. They are only acting because Democrat run cities are being overrun and it is hurting the Democrats politically. https://t.co/tvP5XFwrRG
— Larry Bucshon, MD (@RepLarryBucshon) October 5, 2023
“When he ran for president, Biden vowed to never build ‘another foot of wall’ along the southern border,” wrote Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). “Now, Biden is fast-tracking the construction of approximately 20 miles of new wall.”
“Joe finally realized walls work,” she added.
When he ran for president, Biden vowed to never build “another foot of wall” along the southern border.
Now, Biden is fast-tracking the construction of approximately 20 miles of new wall.
Joe finally realized walls work.
— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) October 5, 2023
“The Biden administration is finally admitting there is a border crisis, but not before they AUCTIONED off parts of the border wall for PENNIES ON THE dollar,” wrote Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS).
“It is time to pass my FINISH IT Act in this year’s NDAA,” he added.
The Biden administration is finally admitting there is a border crisis, but not before they AUCTIONED off parts of the border wall for PENNIES ON THE dollar. It is time to pass my FINISH IT Act in this year’s NDAA. https://t.co/cKFJ5AJpWv
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) October 5, 2023
“The FINISH IT Act would compel the Biden administration either to use the existing border panels or sell them to states capable of building the wall themselves. Border states grasp the severity of this crisis in ways that the president dismisses,” he wrote in another post.
“The Administration’s hypocrisy over the last 2.5 years on the border wall makes the latest announcement too little, too late,” wrote Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID). “President Biden has ignored and minimized the humanitarian crisis in favor of open-border policies.”
“With over 7.6 million encounters at the southern border since President Biden took office, the wall is only the beginning of where he should start to secure the border,” he added.
With over 7.6 million encounters at the southern border since President Biden took office, the wall is only the beginning of where he should start to secure the border.
— Senator Mike Crapo (@MikeCrapo) October 5, 2023
“The hypocrisy of this Admin is truly stunning,” wrote Chad Wolf, the former Trump administration acting Homeland Security secretary.
“Just 3 years ago building the wall was racist and foolish. But I’m not convinced that this isn’t anything more than a political move now that two thirds of Americans disapprove of the Biden border strategy,” he added.
The hypocrisy of this Admin is truly stunning. Just 3 years ago building the wall was racist and foolish. But I’m not convinced that this isn’t anything more than a political move now that two thirds of Americans disapprove of the Biden border strategy. https://t.co/dM2XHvmImZ
— Chad Wolf (@ChadFWolf) October 5, 2023
The matter comes after President Biden’s pro-migration border chief, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, said he will build several more miles of President Trump’s border wall to divert migrants away from several gaps that he has left open since 2021.
MAYORKAS (2021): “We do not agree with the building of the [border] wall.”
Yesterday, Mayorkas declared an “immediate need” for miles of new border wall.pic.twitter.com/ksZn1o6Fn0
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 5, 2023
Mayorkas said in a notice in the U.S. Federal Register there was “an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries.”
The new section of wall will be built in the “high illegal entry” Rio Grande Valley Sector of the U.S.-Mexico border, Mayorkas said, where there have been more than 245,000 illegal entrants this fiscal year.
In a proclamation on the day he took office in January 2021, President Biden announced that no more taxpayer funds would be allocated to build a border wall.
“Building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution,” he said.
Mayorkas said funding for the “additional physical barriers” would come from an appropriation made by Congress for that purpose in 2019, when Trump was still in office.
In response, Trump, the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, said the Biden administration move showed “I was right when I built 560 miles… of brand new, beautiful border wall.”
“Will Joe Biden apologize to me and America for taking so long to get moving, and allowing our country to be flooded with 15 million illegals immigrants, from places unknown,” Trump asked in a post on his Truth Social platform.
Joshua Klein is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.