At long last, the public will again be able to tour the hallowed grounds of the White House more or less as it did before the pandemic.
The executive mansion reopened with limited hours on April 15 and will reopen for a full operating schedule on July 19 as the last remaining COVID-19 restrictions begin to melt away.
Tours will resume a full operating schedule of Tuesday through Saturday starting next month. Tours will run from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day, save for federal holidays or when otherwise noted. All tours are free, though they must be requested through a member of Congress.
Members of Congress and their congressional tour coordinators can be booked through the House of Representatives switchboard at (202) 225-3121, the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121, or online at www.congress.com/members.
Requests must be submitted between 21 and 90 days in advance. According to the White House, face masks will be available when entering the complex but are optional.
Tours ran only on Fridays and Saturdays starting in mid-April. Before that, they had been suspended since President Joe Biden took office.
White House tours were suspended for months during the beginning of COVID-19 lockdowns, then were resumed by President Donald Trump in September 2020, only to be canceled again following Biden’s inauguration. The Biden administration ended one of the longest-running travel restrictions left over from the coronavirus pandemic earlier this month when it decided inbound international travelers will no longer be required to produce a negative COVID-19 test.
That decision came shortly after the removal of mask requirements at U.S. airports. The White House dropped its mask mandate for employees and visitors earlier in the spring.